WhatsApp introduced a new update on their app that allows users to set images and videos with 30 seconds length to be posted on their status for members on the contract list to view them and also allows user to decide who to see their status. The secret is that whenever you view a contact's status it automatically downloads it on your phone which is unknown to you. There are times a contact uploads a status you like and you would like to save it to view later but you won't be able to as the status would be automatically deleted in 24hrs. So on this tutorial getting those status you like to stay on your phone and prevent them from being deleted is what this post isabout and getting and having them for viewing later.
Read also:How to share apk files on WhatsApp
Steps to locate your viewed status
- Click on show hidden files and some files would come up which would look faint compared to the Non hidden files.
- Locate your WhatsApp folder and click on it.
- Then click on the .shared which looks faint meaning it's also an hidden file and it can't be viewed unless you view hidden files.
- So to prevent them from being deleted after 24hrs just move them out of the folder to view them later.
How easy was that?...very easy I guess
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