WhatsApp has over 1 billion users on their platform and I guess they're one of the biggest social and one if the most used social media in the world. It is very certain there would be times you would need an app or just a file like a template for example to send to another user. Normally its not allowed on WhatsApp but there's a way you can send it to the other user and they will receive it like every media file you send. Whatever you send to the other user would still be the same size as how it is on your phone. This trick doesn't require any special step to get it done and it surely doesn't take time. Actually, the trick is not new bit there are still some people who doesn't know about it and that's exactly we would be treating on this post.You can also use GB WhatsApp which you can find under top 10 apps.GB WhatsApp doesn't need any renaming. You just locate the app. Checkout the amazing GB WhatsApp new features on top 10 android apps.
Read also: Top 10 apps every Android user must have
step1: Locate your File manager
step2: find the apk file of the app/game you want to send
step3: rename that apk file, where you see *apk* erase is and type *doc* or *txt*
step4: long press that file then click share then via whatsapp
eg: you send *NARUTO*. it will be *Naturo.apk* so change it to *Naruto.doc* or *Naruto.txt* then sen
step1: download the app/game normally like you do to other apps.
step2: go to file manager
step3: go to WhatsApp folder>>media>>>documents
step4: rename that app/game. where there is *doc* or *txt* put *apk*
step5: install
I hope those who doesn't know about the trick would find this post useful. Kindly share with friends and comment if you encounter any problem.