refresh your blog, it takes you to their own website. Its very simple to stop the redirection.When you try to inspect the element with your web browser, you will see the contets to be edited but in your html you wouldnt see it simply because it is hidden There are many ways people get this stuff done but i would be showing you the easiest way you can remove them and stop the redirections instantly.
Read also:How to Add Smiley Buttons to Your Blog
- Firstly, Login to your blogger dashboard.
- Locate theme and click on Edit Html.
- Here, Open your search box and search for the text used on the template. Which could be all rights reserved or made by Emmanuel
- infront of the text you will notice a code added to it. At the exact spot you see the links. o your blog. Just add this script to it.
style='visibility:hidden'Read also: How to Add Gadgets to Mobile View on Blogger
After adding that line to the script save your template and refresh your blog. The new changes would stay and the redirections would stop immediately. Did you try this and it worked for you? kindly drop your comment.