This one of the coolest HTML/JavaScript widgets ever this code helps users who reads your article instantly share to their Twitter and also follow you to get more of your update.
The Flying Twitter bird only appears on your web view.
Adding the code is very simple and easy
Copy code<!-- Animated Flying Twitter Bird Widget by -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
var twitterAccount = "naijabrainies";
var tweetThisText = " <data:blog.pageName/>: <data:blog.url/> ";
<!-- Animated Flying Twitter Bird Widget by -->
Change "Naijabrainies " to your Twitter username
- Log in to your blogger dashboard and click on "LAYOUT"
- decide which part of your blog you want the code to stay.
- Click add gadget and select "HTML/JAVASCRIPT"
- Copy and Paste the code in the "HTML/JAVSSCRIPT" and save
- Make sure you also save your arrangement
Refresh your blog and the Twitter bird shows up and start flying.
Still having issues getting it on your blog? Follow the approach Here
How easy was that.. Very easy I think